As long as the class being tested behaves as expected, it won't notice the difference, and the unit test can check that the proper query was emitted. 只要正在被测试的类的行为如所期望的那样,它将不会注意到差异,而单元测试会检查是否发出了正确的查询。
Following the directorySplitTest, the combined test will check for matches where the metaphones are smooshed together& disregarding any directory structure. 组合测试位于directorySplitTest之后,用于检查变音混和在一起时的匹配情况&忽略任何目录结构。
Flipping forth and back between those two states is a good test to check for basic client functionality. 在这两个状态之间来回切换可以测试基本的客户机功能。
Do a quick test to check that PHP and DB2 extensions are indeed working. 为了确定PHP和DB2扩展是否工作,我们进行一个快速测试。
The public was undergoing the physical fitness test to check their muscular endurance, body flexibility and percentage of body fat. 市民正接受肌耐力、柔软度、脂肪比例等体适能测试。
This test will check students'listening comprehension. 这次测验将检查学生的听力理解。
The simulation and its test and check results illustrate that the system is applicable. 仿真及其检测和复核结果表明了系统良好的应用性能。
Strengthening Test Check And Improve Highway Engineering Quality 加强试验检测工作,提高公路工程质量
It can provide all kinds of ac, dc power, and is convenient for the test to check switch equipment is normal or not, improve work efficiency. 它能提供各种交、直流电源,便于对开关柜的检测,以检查设备正常与否,提高工作效率。
THE TEST: A blood test to check for H.pylori. 检查:血检以测试幽门螺旋杆菌。
The carrying out of Putonghua Proficiency Test can check the result of Putonghua teaching on one hand; on the other hand, it can give more inspiration to the further development of Putonghua teaching. 普通话水平测试工作的逐步展开,一方面对普通话教学的成果予以检测,另一方面,也给普通话教学工作的进一步开展以多方面的启示。
On this issue to future generations by starting the test, check to be a good stand of historical figures. 在这问题上要经起子孙后代的检验,要当好经得起检查的历史人物。
They also asked you some questions that mentioned in the Internet test to check your honesty. 他们也会问你一些在网上已经做过测试的题来检验你是否诚实。
The human states intent only once, and therefore does not gain insights from restatement, nor does the generated test check that the intent of the code was achieved. 人类的意图只是通过产品代码进行了体现,而无法通过阅读所生成的测试代码来获得验证,更无法通过它来确认产品代码是否已经实现了人类的意图。
Run the bad Detector test to check the data. 运行坏探测器测试检查数据。
During the burning test, check the temperature rise, voltage, current, if find abnormal, need analyze and repair. 老化过程中检测产品温升、电压、电流,发现有异常的,应拿出来分析维修。
TestSounds-Just a quick test to check out all the new sounds for your project. 快速测试项目中的新声音文件。
The company completely satisfies production manufacture and test check related requirements of pressure piping components and safety accessories. 公司完全能满足压力管道元件和安全附件的生产制造、试验检测的相关要求。
It's advisable for people in these groups to have a yearly blood test to check iron blood reserves. 这个集团中的人每年做一次血液中的铁含量的血液测试是很明智的。
Purpose: To test check valves for tightness in the direction of flow. 目的:检测止回阀在流向上的紧固性。
Application of Test Check in Auditing Practice in China 抽查法在我国审计实务中的运用
This paper discusses the five main activities of software test and their features, pointing out the two test activities best suitable for automation: test execution and test check, This provides the theoretical basis for the following design and development. 研究了测试的五个活动和它们的特点,指出了最适合于自动化的两个测试活动:测试执行和测试检查,这些研究为后续的设计和开发工作提供了良好的理论基础。
Introduces structure design and performance test for check valve used for nuclear-grade natural circling system. The valve mainly used in two-loop natural circling system with special requirements for its performance. 介绍了核级自然循环系统止回阀的结构设计及功能试验,该阀主要应用在二回路自然循环系统中,并且具有特殊的性能要求。
The paper analysis the common light estimation method and test check efficiency by test. 此外,本文分析了常用的估计光照参数的方法,并通过实验证明了它们的有效性。
Furthermore, we apply this architecture to build a large-scale Web cache cluster to test and check. 最后将该体系结构应用到大规模Cache集群系统中加以验证。
Highway Test and Check and Quality Inspection and Evaluation Integrated System Based on Component Technology 基于组件技术的公路工程试验检测与质量检验评定一体化系统
The calculated data are checked by the measured data, and also the results on the test and check are satisfactory to us for the design and engineering requirements. 利用计算机测试技术对软件进行了全面测试,并且,利用实测资料进行了验证,测试和验证结果说明可以满足设计及工程要求。
According to the survey information, re-calculating the bearing capacity of the foundation soil, using the static loading test to check to the original design, the optimization for the project can save cost and the time limit. 根据勘察资料,对地基土承载力进行重新计算,利用静载试验验算,对原来的设计方案进行了优化,为工程节省了造价,节约了工期。
Based on the theory of finite element analysis, combining engineering practice, using the bridge structural analysis software, establish the finite element model of the extradosed cable-stayed bridge, compared the static load test check the model. 在斜拉桥结构分析理论基础上,以实桥为工程背景,运用桥梁结构分析软件,建立矮塔斜拉桥空间有限元模型,以静力荷载试验为对比校核模型。